Hello everyone! Welcome to On Our Kitchen Island.
I figured I would just do a quick post to introduce the blog before getting right on to some comfort cooking! You can read more about me, the blog and the dream on the About page. For now, I’ll just introduce myself as Petra, a home cook based in Singapore who believes there’s something extra special about the familiarity and comfort in a home cooked meal. The mindfulness found in the preparation process, as well as the reflection in the mood and connections of those around the table. Whether it is a routine day or a celebration, there is nothing quite like it.
I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog, kind of like a recipe journal for easy future reference, for a while now. The many of scraps of paper with single recipe scribbles that I discovered around the house during one of those aggressive lockdown cleaning sessions has pushed me to take the leap. Not to mention the frustration of trying to recreate a dish that went so well previously, but total failure to recall what went in it or where I stashed the scribbles. Right back to the drawing board.

During the lockdown, we also weren’t able to eat out at our favourite restaurants and quickly realised how long it would be before we would travel again. This got us really expanding our repertoire to dishes typically eaten out or from places previously travelled. It goes without saying that lots of simplification and substitutions are made to make otherwise intimidating dishes totally achievable. The result may not always be as beautiful, but more often than not leaves everyone involved feeling satisfied and accomplished.
That is the name of the game On Our Kitchen Island. We cook for comfort, love, happiness and togetherness. Come join us!

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